Office of the
Independent Consent Decree Monitor
for the City of Aurora
The Office of the Independent Consent Decree Monitor for the City of Aurora oversees the implementation of a Consent Decree - a judicially enforceable agreement - between the City of Aurora and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office. The Consent Decree requires the City to adopt a number of specific reforms aimed at enhanced public safety and enhanced public trust, including changing important policies, developing new training materials, and training its personnel on those new policies. In addition, it requires Aurora to operate in a more transparent manner by changing core processes and sharing more information with the public.
This is the official website of the Office of the Independent Consent Decree Monitor for the City of Aurora where up-to-date information on the Consent Decree and the City’s progress toward compliance can be found. The site also provides the ability for the public to voice their thoughts, concerns, or questions relative to public safety in Aurora and the Consent Decree.
About the Monitorship
Senate Bill 20-217, a law enforcement accountability bill enacted in Colorado in 2020, authorized the attorney general to investigate any governmental agency for engaging in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates state or federal constitutions or laws. In August 2020, Attorney General Weiser announced an investigation of Aurora Police and Aurora Fire based on multiple community reports about misconduct. This investigation led to an agreement between the Attorney General's Office and the City of Aurora which mandated that the City reform public safety in Aurora in a variety of different ways to be overseen by an Independent Consent Decree Monitor.
Community Advisory Council
The Community Advisory Council (CAC) was created in March 2022 by the Office of the Independent Consent Decree Monitor for the City of Aurora to provide community input and guidance regarding reform efforts of the City of Aurora under the Consent Decree.
To request a listening session, please fill out the form here.